Uploading your product to 3D

Uploading your photos for 3D conversion is easy. take photos of your object from a good distance and get different angles around it. try your best to stay even. find good lighting and good leveling. each angle should be at least 50 snaps ( the more the better). send your scan to contact@aivrartech.com. we will let you know within 14 days if your object is accepted or needs to be reshot. once we receive your photos you will have 7 days to pay the upload invoice.

$100 for single object uploads.

$50 each for group uploads above 10.

example 5 Single objects $500.

5 group Items $250

Large objects such as cars, houses, buildings, parks, trucks require special scanning by our Tasar field operators. please email Contact@aivrartech.com with specific details. 

once your object is ready for you you also receive a QR code of your object for different uses example: business cards

Please send email for personalized augmented graphics .